Gather feedback while the interaction is still
fresh in customer's mind

As soon as your deal is won or lost your contact will receive an automated survey. You'll see the feedback directly in the rated deal, complete with numerical value and comment.


Choose what you want to ask and when to ask it

You can choose from multiple Satisfaction Metrics and Scales. Evaluate various aspects that influence deal win rates such as communication or product features with customizable CSAT surveys.

Available visuals include smiley faces, thumbs or stars. Evaluate your experience as a whole and identify your promoters with Net Promoter Score. You decide when the Nicereply survey is distributed to your contact - edit the number of hours since the resolution of the deal after which the survey is sent.


Act on valuable customer feedback
with Pipedrive


Ratings & Comments as notes in Pipedrive

See contact ratings and feedback as a note on the related deal.

Custom fields

Rating as a custom field in Pipedrive

Nicereply will also sync the rating as a custom field in the rated deal for easy sorting and automation.

Deal backlink

Deal backlink

Identify feedback in context with direct link to the related deal.

Agents sync

Agents sync

Sync all your Pipedrive users to Nicereply with one click. New users added afterwards will receive an automated email with login instructions.

Customers sync

Customer sync

Customers often don’t share their name in feedback forms. Nicereply will automatically add contact names based on the deal ID, so you don't need to ask for a name on your surveys.


Rules based on rating values

Set automation workflows based on the rating values. Want to reach out to customers whose CSAT was low? How about asking those who were satisfied for a referral?

Identify weaknesses and take action to

Monitor and manage negative feedback. Every dissatisfied lead is highlighted, so you can take proper action to recover potentially lost customers and make sure the same mistake won't happen again. Uncover the reason why you’re losing deals and tackle the problem.

Rating with 1 score
Rating with 5 score

Distribute surveys in your Pipedrive signature
and email templates

Make Nicereply surveys part of your everyday communication in Pipedrive. Collect feedback at every interaction with your Pipedrive contacts. Insert your survey to your email signature or any email template you send.

Signature flow
View pricing

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